What are the top 10 most popular cat breeds in Singapore? Cats are becoming a very popular choice for a house pet in Singapore households. One of the best things about owning cats is that they are low maintenance. They can be litter box trained with no need to take them outside for lengthy walks, standing under the hot sun or braving through heavy rain storms while you wait for them to do their thing. Cats often keep themselves entertained too.
So what are some popular choices of Cat breeds in Singapore? Here is a list of the top 10 most popular cat breeds in Singapore!
10. British Shorthair
If you are looking for a cat breed that will follow you around, a British shorthair cat is the perfect furry companion. Although they do not demand a great deal of attention, they like to be around people, so they like to be near you, whether you are watching TV or sleeping. They can be playful at times, but tend to be couch potatoes. So if you are one who enjoys Netflix binges, a British shorthair is the perfect breed of cat for you!
Here are some interesting facts about British Shorthair Cats:
- British shorthair cats are notoriously clean and hygienic. They are very passionate about grooming their coats and will let you know if their litter box needs to be cleaned or their water dish needs to be refreshed.
- British shorthair cats get along very well with children and cat friendly dogs. They are gentle and loving and adapt well to the home environment.
- Often referred to as “Teddy Bear Cats,” British shorthairs have a dense, furry coat, large round eyes and round face.
- Typically not a lap cat, but your British shorthair cat will be quite content to curl up next to you on the sofa.
- Contrary to their name, British shorthair cats originated in Ancient Rome.
- Fun Fact: Both Puss in Boots and the Cheshire Cat in Alice and Wonderland resemble British shorthair cats.
9. Russian Blue
Although, they are believed to have originated in Russia, Russian Blue cats were primarily bred in Scandinavia and Great Britain and were among the first cats to appear in cat shows. Although they appear to be very quiet and reserved, they are quite playful once you have gained their trust.
Here are some other interesting tidbits about this popular cat breed:
- Russian Blues nearly became extinct during World War II but after the war, they began to become a very popular cat breed.
- While shy around newcomer’s, Russian blue cats are very loyal to their owners. They are very sensitive and do love to both give and receive affection. They will be feel neglected if they do not receive enough attention, so they are a good choice for someone who is home a great deal of the time and wants a constant, loving feline companion.
- Russian Blues are often referred to as the Doberman of the feline family due to their muscular frame.
- Russian blues are picky about hygiene and prefer a clean litter box. They need to be brushed about twice a week to keep their coats shiny and silky.
- Fun fact: Russian blues are believed to be the inspiration for YouTube sensation, Nyan Cat.
8. Siberian
Native to Russia, Siberian cats have long, lustrous, thick coats that have helped them adapt to the brutal Russian winters. They are a strong and intelligent breed that are gentle and affectionate, despite their size. They can weigh up to 9 kilograms.
Here are some more interesting facts about this gorgeous breed:
- Siberian cats have sturdy hind legs that tend to be slightly longer than their front legs which makes them able to jump great lengths and heights.
- With their round green or golden eyes, they are very expressive.
- Their thick coat consists of three layers: a woolly undercoat, wavy and fine awn hair, and a coarse straight guard hair.
- They are affectionate and devoted, but not overly clingy
- They love to climb and can often be found in higher spaces such as the tops of bookcases, refrigerators and even chandeliers!
- Both male and female Siberians are very nurturing and take parenting their offspring very seriously.
- Siberian cats are not afraid of water as their thick coats are water-repellant
- Fun Fact: Traditionally known as Forest Cats, it was illegal to own a Siberian cat in Russia in the 1800s, so they commonly lived in monasteries.
7. Munchkin
Munchkins are very easy to tell apart from the other cat breeds; their signature short legs are the first you’ll notice about them! Sometimes known as the cat equivalent of a Corgi, Munchkin cats are especially popular among the Japanese due to its “kawaii chibi” appearance, and can come in all sorts of colours and markings. Munchkins are generally playful, friendly and fond of human interaction. Despite their short legs, Munchkin cats tend to be energetic and love climbing and exploring; they just take a little longer to get up to higher places!
Here are some other intriguing facts about this adorable cat breed:
- Don’t let their size fool you! Munchkins are far from the “shy little cat” they might seem to be, and are instead outgoing and people-oriented.
- Playtime is an important part of caring for a Munchkin cat and fortunately, the most fun part! There is never a dull moment when you have a Munchkin at home.
- The Munchkin’s size, personality temperament and activity level makes them ideal for families with young children.
- Unlike short-legged dog breeds like dachshunds and corgis, Munchkins generally do not seem to have any breed-specific spinal issues.
- Obesity is especially bad for Munchkins; an overweight Munchkin kitty would have more trouble moving around than your typical cat, and the negative effects are likely to be exacerbated.
- Fun Fact: The world’s shortest living cat is a tortoiseshell Munchkin cat named Lilieput! Named by Guinness World Records in 2013, Lilieput stands at just 13.34 centimetres from the floor to her shoulders.
6. Siamese
An extremely intelligent and talkative breed, Siamese cats are one of the oldest and most popular breeds of cats. And contrary to their reputation as being sneaky and destructive, as depicted in the popular Disney Film, Lady and the Tramp, Siamese cats are very gentle loving.
Here’s more facts about this popular breed of cat:
- Siamese cats eyes are blue due the same gene that is also responsible for their coat pattern.
- Siamese cats are among the most vocal cats and have a variety of meows and cries to express each specific need and want.
- They are an excellent choice for a family pet as they love children. However, they do not like to be left alone and often get depressed if isolated for too long.
- Due to their light coats, their bodies are often sensitive to heat.
- While most cats have the ability to see well in the dark, Siamese cats do not. To make up for this, however they have exceptional hearing akin to that of a canine.
- They are one of the oldest cat breeds and originated in Siam (now Thailand)
- Fun Fact: Siamese cats are called “wichien-maat” cats in Thailand, which translates as “Moon Diamond.”
5. Bengal
Bengal cats are known for their cunning personalities and high energy levels. Although they are breed to look like exotic jungle cats, they are a perfect fit for an active household with a lot of time to devote to these inquisitive felines.
Here are some facts about Bengal cats:
- With their huge oval eyes, lithe bodies and distinctive markings, Bengal cats are one of the most sought out breeds for cat lovers.
- They are believed to be a cross-breed between a wildcat and a house cat. For years, they were considered too dangerous to show. In fact, some cat shows today still choose to have restrictions imposed on their participation because of how closely Bengal could be bred to wildcats.
- Despite this, Bengal cats are the most widely registered cat breeds at cat shows, beating out both Maine Coons and Ragdolls.
- Bengal cats love to explore. This includes running and jumping. They are known to love heights and will often climb to the highest spot in the household.
- Fun Fact: Bengal cats are often referred to as the “Rolls Royce of Cats” as they are one of the most expensive cat breed.
4. Maine Coon
Maine Coon cats are the largest cat breed; they can weigh upwards of 8 kilograms and grow up to 100 centimetres in length! They are a loyal, affectionate and playful breed.
Here are some other interesting facts about Maine Coon cats:
- They are believed to have originated from the state of Maine in the US, hence their name. As such, they are very fond of colder temperatures and long winters. It is also believed that are related to the seafaring cats that belonged to Charles Coon, a British Sea Captain who sailed to New England in the 17th century.
- They are often referred to as “cat dogs” as they like to play fetch and will often walk on a leash. They get along well with children and well-mannered, cat-friendly dogs.
- Instead of meowing, Maine Coons trill or chirp. A trill is a sign of happiness and contentment. Maine Coon cats tend to creep when they are stalking their prey.
- Main Coons have large tufted paws and bushy tails to help them adapt to harsh winters.
- Fun fact: Maine Coon cats are not afraid of water. Their fur is water resistant, and they are good swimmers
3. Ragdoll
Ragdolls are loving and affectionate at make a great addition to any household. Believe it or not, they are a relatively new breed and are not yet a century old. They were bred in California in the US in the 1960s by Ann Baker, who bred her long haired domestic cat with another long haired cat she found as a stray. They are also one of the largest cat breeds, along with the aforementioned Maine Coon breed.
Here are some interesting facts about Ragdolls :
- Ragdolls typically weigh 7 to 9 kilograms.
- They are very quiet, so they are popular with those who live in apartments or flats.
- Ragdolls love to be held and cuddled and will follow you around the house.
- As their long fur is prone to tangles, they need to be brushed and combed often.
- Ragdolls are also very playful and will fetch if you train them.
- Fun Fact: Ragdolls love running water and will often play in the shower or sink.
2. Persian
The Persian cat is the perfect pet for those who want a calm, affectionate pet that loves to be held or is content to sit on your lap. Often characterised with round faces and short muzzles. Due to short, sturdy legs, they prefer to be closer to the floor and are not known to be jumpers.
Read on to find out more interesting facts about Persian cats:
- Persians can often be standoffish around strangers, but enjoy attention and affection when they get know and trust someone.
- With both a thick undercoat and topcoat, Persians tend to shed a lot more than some other breeds mentioned above. They should be bathed and groomed about every 6 weeks, brushed daily and combed at least once weekly.. Some owners will have their Persians hair trimmed short to avoid tangles, mats and other issues.
- Persians are very laid back and much less disruptive and curios than other breeds.
- As they tend to be very shy and do not like loud noises, Persian cats do not do well in busy, active households or with younger children.
- Fun Fact: Persian cats are one of the most commonly featured breeds in movies like James Bond and Austin Powers, and are a Hollywood icon!
1. Singapura Cat
Believed to have originated on the streets of Singapore, Singapura Cats were not recognized as an official breed until the 1970s. Today, they are recognized as a national treasure in Singapore, and weighing just 2 to 3 kilograms and 15 to 20 centimetres high, they are one of the smallest domestic cat breeds. Below are some more interesting and relevant facts about Singapura Cats:
- Otherwise, known as the Pura, these cats are full of energy, intelligent and highly inquisitive. Despite their tiny frame, they are known to be jumpers and have a great deal of energy.
- They are very extroverted and are a great addition to households with other cats, well-mannered children and cat-friendly canines.
- With their ticked coats, they are believed to be distantly related to Burmese and Siamese breeds.
- Pura cats are generally not shy and can be quite mischievous. They love to get into things and will need a lot of interactive toys to keep them entertained.
- As they are very curious and love to explore, they tend to find multiple hiding spots. Be sure to cat proof your house before bringing your new addition home!
- Fun Fact: These adorable tiny cats are known as mini heating pads. Their tiny bodies give off a surprising amount of heat and are perfect for snuggling on a cold rainy night!
Surprise Mention: Burmese!
We had to include Burmese cats in our list of popular cat breeds in Singapore! Although their popularity in Singapore has dipped slightly in the past few years due to the introduction of new, fancy breeds, the Burmese’s affectionate and lively nature will always guarantee them a place in Singaporean cat lovers’ hearts.
Burmese cats are known for being very chatty and therefore make a great companion for anyone who is looking for an active and talkative feline.
Here are some other fun and interesting facts about Burmese cats:
- Burmese cats are often referred to as “bricks wrapped in silk.” This is due to the fact that while they look fluffy and silky, they are actually quite heavy and sturdy.
- They can be quite clingy and therefore should be adopted by someone who has a great deal of time to devote to this affectionate and talkative breed. Females tend to be very clingy and energetic while male Burmese cats tend to be more laid back.
- Burmese cats are known for their distinctive meow, which sounds like a low rumble. They will often use this to get your attention when they are hungry or are seeking affection.
- In addition to seeking attention, they are sensitive to your needs as well. They will be your nursemaid when you are ill and comfort you when you are feeling down.
- They are great with children and generally get along with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.
- Fun fact: The term “curious as a cat” could be coined for Burmese cats. They are extremely inquisitive and are always into something. Thy need to be constantly entertained so make sure you have enough time to devote to this playful breed!
Deciding On Whether To Get A Cat & Which Breed Suits You?
Although they can be aloof at times, cats can be extremely affectionate and loving. Yes, they like their “alone time” but they also love to cuddle up with you while you are reading, watching television or sleeping. Few things are as rewarding and relaxing as hearing the sound of your cat purring. Cats can be a great comfort at the end of a hard day, and can be quite playful as well. They love to chase laser dots and play with string toys! Your feline companion can bring you many years of happiness and companionship.
But how do you decide on what breed of cat to adopt? You could spend a lot of money on a purebred cat. Or you could save a life and adopt a cat from a local shelter or rescue. As cute as kittens are when they are tiny babies, they too eventually grow up so you might even consider adopting an older cat. They still have a lot of life left and a lot of love to give. But no matter what age or breed of cat you adopt, you will have a friend for life.
Remember that just like dogs (and humans), cats have their own personalities. They also have their own moods as well. Your cat might be extremely playful one minute and then take a 3 hour “cat nap” the next. And remember, cats sleep about 18 hours a day. However, when they are awake they will provide you with endless hours of amusement and affection.
Before you adopt a kitten or older cat, take time to research their breed. Make sure that you choose a feine that will fit your lifestyle!
For more information about Cat Nutrition and care, have a look at some of our previous articles: